Monday, March 2, 2009

Virgil and CCD Radio

Amarilla recently sent me a link to Virgil’s Georgics (Book IV), where the master describes beekeeping in ways that sound awfully familiar. Virgil was one of the first to write about beekeeping, not including the Egyptians (Eva Crane cites 2400BCE as the date of first evidence of hive beekeeping). Always a good man to lead you through the circles of hell, that Virgil, but I digress.

And it is by nice coincidence that Lawlor should link me to an archived radio project by EE Miller and Ryder Cooley about CCD (and so much more), the second audio clip (Beehuman part 2) of which includes a passage from Virgil… read by Lawlor & Mellis. This audio collage series is fascinating and challenging and well worth the time, and intensity, of listening.

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